Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals
A boiler is a closed vessel in which water or other liquid is heated, steam or vapor is generated, steam is superheated, or any combination thereof, under pressure or vacuum, for use external to itself, by the direct application of energy from the combustion of fuels, from electricity or nuclear energy. The boiler is a primary part of the global heating system in power plants.
Boilers differ from their size, shape and operation methods based on the need for the utility. During operation, Boilers encounter serious problems of scale and corrosion and require periodic maintenance to save fuel and avoid breakdown costs.
Micro Chemicals provides boiler chemicals that prevent Boiler breakdowns and provides efficient operation, saving fuel costs and time.
Micro Chemicals Formulate wide categories of Boiler Chemicals as follows
Anti scalant
Corrosion Inhibitor
Oxygen Scavenger
pH Booster
Integrated Chemicals
Scale Dispersent
Product Code: M PURE 6000
M PURE – 6000 is a deposit control agent specially designed for the control of calcium scale and silica scale in boilers. It contains low molecular weight polyanionic compound as one of its ingredients. Water treated with M PURE – 6000 can be discharged directly into the effluent without any pollution problems.
Scale inhibitor cum pH Booster
Product Code: M PURE 6001
M PURE – 6001 is an internal boiler water treatment designed for boilers operating at pressures below 1200 psig. It is recommended for use in boilers using softened/de-alkalizes make-up.
M PURE – 6001 combines polyphosphate with polymeric scale inhibitors and sludge conditioners to provide protection against mineral scale and sludge deposits that interfere with heat exchange and it maintains the pH in control limits.
Scale Inhibitor
Product Code: M PURE 6012- M
M PURE – 6612-M is a synergic blend of inorganic and organic chemicals designed for the control of corrosion and scale in boiler internals.
The specific corrosion inhibitor in M PURE – 6612-M provides corrosion protection by the formation of a protective passive film on the metal surfaces. The protective layer prevents direct contact of the corrosive media with the metal surface.
Corrosion Cum Scale Inhibitor
Product Code: M PURE 6612
M PURE – 6612 is a synergic blend of inorganic and organic chemicals designed for the control of corrosion and scale in boiler internals.
M PURE – 6612 also contains a powerful threshold inhibitor to prevent scale formation in feed water pipelines and boiler internals.
Sludge conditioner cum oxygen scavanger
Product Code: M PURE 6612
M PURE – 6612 is a synergic blend of inorganic and organic chemicals designed for the control of corrosion and scale in boiler internals.
M PURE – 6612 also contains a powerful threshold inhibitor to prevent scale formation in feed water pipelines and boiler internals.
Oxygen Scavenger
Product Code: M PURE – 6666
M PURE – 6666 is a catalysed oxygen scavenger for rapid and complete removal of oxygen from boiler water.
Historically, boilers were a source of many serious injuries and property destruction due to poorly understood engineering principles. Steam is a great way of moving energy and heat around a site from a central boiler house to where it is needed, but without the right boiler feedwater treatment, a steam-raising plant will suffer from scale formation and corrosion. At best, this increases energy costs and can lead to poor quality steam, reduced efficiency, shorter plant life, and unreliable operation. At worst, it can lead to catastrophic failure and loss of life.
Micro Chemicals provides the right products and works with users to bring out the best possible outcome to the intended use of equipment
pH Booster
Product Code: M PURE – 1001
M PURE – 1001 boiler water pH booster is an alkaline formulation, used as alkalinity source for boiler feed water. It is synergized with properties of pH boosting and water conditioning.